I really love postcards – wwpid-imag3042.jpgho doesn’t appreciate getting them, or get a smug kind of satisfaction from sending them. Whether they have a message scrawled across them in an illegible hand, clearly penned in the post office queue in a fit of guilt, or they have been carefully crafted over a series of coffees in a gringo cafe, the message is the same: somewhere, someone is thinking of you.

So I’d like to share this love of postcards, both giving and receiving (I’m generous like that..). Leave me a comment with your address, or send me a message on WordPress, and I promise I will get a postcard sent off to you within a week. Realistically, it will probably have a red telephone box, or a horseguard, or big ben on it – but I’m sure you’ll cope. And I’ll leave you my address (or you can nab it off the photo of a beloved postcard above) so that you can return the favour. It’s like the chain-mail you got when you were ten, but this time you understand just how amazing it is to be part of this chain of people around the world.